FIRE ADVISORY in effect August 29, 2024
Road Ban 24-06 in Effect 8 a.m. November 4, 2024

Brazeau County Passes 2024 Interim Budget


BRAZEAU COUNTY, November 24, 2023 — On November 23, Brazeau County Council passed an interim budget for 2024, with a focus on core services and ratepayer relief.


The interim budget maintains the years-long freeze on municipal taxes. Fees, which were  limited to zero or to minimal levels in previous years, are not set to increase.

The budget also includes $14.8 million in capital investment in roads, equipment replacement, and other infrastructure, and accounts for a 20% incentive on residential taxes that are paid on time. It also maintains the 25% decrease in municipal taxes for properties for the small business sub-class.

“As always, Council is spending where it makes sense and where it is needed to provide municipal services to residents, while keeping as much money as possible in their pockets,” says Reeve Bart Guyon. “We are  becoming well-known in the province, nationally, and globally for our economic development approach, which includes keeping taxes among the lowest in the country.”


Infrastructure investments and other initiatives include:

  • 27.2 km of newly budgeted improvements to existing roads
  • 16.8 km of improvements to roads carried over from the 2023 budget
  • Investment in solar power installation at the Cynthia SAS water treatment plant
  • Relocation of a portion of the walking path on the ring road near Drayton Valley
  • A new Fire services Command Vehicle for Drayton Valley/Brazeau County Fire Services
  • A new playground at Rocky Rapids Community Hall
  • A modernized radio system to allow Fire Services to use the same communication system as the RCMP and other emergency responders (Year 2 of a 5 year commitment)




Council passes an interim budget in order to proceed on approved operational and capital projects in the period between now and when the County receives final property assessment information, and approval of a final budget in April.


For more information on the Interim Budget, please contact Chief Administrative Officer Kent Edney at 780-542-7777 or