One (1) livestock unit shall mean:
Two (2) horse, donkey, mule or asses (over one (1) year of age); or
Two (2) foals (up to one (1) year of age); or
Two (2) llama, Three (3) alpaca or three (3) guanaco; or
Two (2) cows, steers, heifers or bulls (over one (1) year of age); or
Two (2) calves (up to one (1) year of age); or
Fifteen (15) chickens; or
Ten (10) ducks, turkeys, pheasants, geese, or other similar fowl; or
Three (3) sheep or goats; or
Twenty (20) rabbits or other similar rodents.
Two (2) pigs, hogs, or boars (over one (1) year of age); or
Two (2) emus or ostriches (over one (1) year of age)